Saturday, October 31, 2009

Workshops (Day 2, 3 & 4)

Day 2:

Otto Balogh, Team Elite & US1MCM - My Olympic Medal!

"The innovation which reflects the company’s commitment to ‘demonstrate the difference in the 21st century’. Groundbreaking new products guarantee Nu Skin will be around in 100 years even for our grandchildren. Our charitable projects are also important… Nourish the Children enables us to reduce famine around the world. I never dreamt that I could save as many as 1,500 children from starvation every month thanks to my downline."

Chen ShuoCai, Team Elite & MCM - Dream is to Help People!

Day 3:

Clara McDermott, Team Elite & USD20MCM - Build Strength with Strength

Paige Riffle, Team Elite & USD1MCM - Coachable

Nathan Ricks, Team Elite & USD20MCM - "Celebrate Ruby as a Lapis ?!" :)

Jeff Mack, Team Elite & USD10MCM - Sharing on What can we do with our Innovation

Day 4:

Craig Tillotson, Team Elite and USD20MCM: Why he started 25 years ago.

Steve & Sherry Huang, Team Elite and USD1MCM: How we started.

John McLelland, Team Elite: Sharing.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

New Videos!

These are the latest opportunity videos!

Hows does it FEEL like to be ageLOC'd?

What is the science behind ageLOC?

AgeLOC Products to Reset Your Youth

Get Ready for it! It's a Billion Dollar Multiplier!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Giving Back Day!

One of the things that made this trip really worthwhile was to be able to see how the local US leaders build the business. We were fortunate enough to attend the Team Elite University Wrap Up Meeting. And this was just a teaser of the training they do at Provo, Utah in the Team Elite University which is organized by Nu Skin, but operated by the US leaders working as a team together. The next one is in Nov and Dec.

Below are a collection of short but really powerful training on what to do and how to start. They are short and very effective material.

Jeff Mack, Team Elite and USD10MCM, Why Nu Skin, Why Now?

"This is a New day! A New Chapter for countless amounts of people whose lives will change forever."

"Don't even try to compete with us! They can't" (on AgeLOC)

(Not complete, but powerful enough)

Kenton Worthington, Team Elite and 1MCM on Presenting the Business.

"Movie trailers in 2 minutes can get you to spend USD10 to watch a 2 hour movie. They contain all the high-lites and action, but after watching it, you don't know why or how!? So, you go to see the movie!"

Gary Deritter, Team Elite and 1MCM on Driving Lines.

Terry Fossom, Team Elite, on Handling Objections

Steve Huang, Team Elite and 1MCM, personal sharing and mindset.

Lisa Bell, New Blue Diamond, Personal Sharing

Eileen Williams, Team Elite, personal sharing.

Alan Nagao, Team Elite & 1MCM, personal sharing.

Mark & Jerri Mabry, Team Elite, personal sharing.

Susie Park, Blue Diamond, personal sharing.

Deb Corday, Blue Diamond, personal sharing.

Brent Bryson, Team Elite, personal sharing.

Sherry Lung, Team Elite & 1MCM, personal sharing.

Jed Knight, Team Elite, personal sharing.

Nathan Ricks, Team Elite & USD20MCM! Duplication and Wrap up. This is very powerful!

As you see these videos and training, I sincerely hope that you learnt something valuable that will propel you further into this amazing business we call Nu Skin.

There is however, one request that I would like to boldly make...

After you watch this following video; which is a snippet of Steve Lund, founder and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors singing a song he made while visiting Malawi and experiencing the challenges of malnourished children in Africa. It brought tears to my eyes as we listened to him and his son sing.

If you feel that you can do something extra, despite what you already do, would it be possible to make a donation of 2 or more Vitameal bags on your next visit to Nu Skin Showcase or in your next ARO/ADR order?

Don't answer the above question yet... listen to the song.

"Thank you for all that you do, and all that you are." - Steve Lund

Red Carpet Day!

Today was the BIG DAY! Imagine being recognized on stage as a New Team Elite... can you imagine what you'd wear? Can you imagine how it would feel? Totally Incredible! :)

Before that event in the evening, there was other events at the convention, and Sandy Tillotson, co founder of Nu Skin Enterprises talked about Force For Good and how she started in the early years Nu Skin. Although the recording was not the best, I believe you can still feel her Passion, Excitement and Love for Nu Skin.

In the last convention in Salt Lake City 2007, I had the privilege to meet another Blue Diamond, Maximilian Picinini ( We kept in touch and shared business tips and supported each other. Guess what?! We met again and it was a Great! He brought his team with him and we had several hours of sharing! This is one of the cool things about coming to these Life Changing events, you meet people that are totally strangers and within a few minutes, you become close friends. I believe, when it comes to Nu Skin, each of us bond together closer, as if the process of friendship is accelerated, this happens, because we understand the challenges each face and just respect each other for it.

Lesson: Make life long friendships, you never know where it will take you!

This, I got to introduce KC to Max! And here again, like always, a heart warming note from Max! :)

We had a special AgeLOC workshop in the afternoon and there was so much to learn and share. And we also found out, ALL AgeLOC products were SOLD OUT! In fact, we came to know that Nu Skin prepared twice the volume of products to prepare to be sold. And it still ran out! It was so crazy, it was selling like hot cakes. The total sales for 2 days was USD11.1 Million, we were told that this was the HIGHEST sales in a single event for any network marketing company! I think when AgeLOC launches in S.E.A. we better be prepared! It's going to be PHENOMENAL!


The follow slides summarizes what is the AgeLOC Difference. By the way, "ar" in arSuperMarkets means, "Age Related".

ageLOC will revolutionize the Anti-Aging business and will offer Unprecedented Growth, Unparalleled Wealth Creation and Unrivaled Opportunity!


Nu Skin Enterprises, Inc., today announced that it has entered into research agreements with Stanford University and LifeGen Technologies, a genomics company based in Madison, Wis. LifeGen co-founders, Richard Weindruch, Ph.D., and Tomas Prolla, Ph.D., will also hold positions on the newly formed Nu Skin Anti-aging Scientific Advisory Board.

Exciting isn't it!!!

Then came the evening, The Gala Event! We arrived to a RED CARPET reception to Nokia Plaza to have cocktails with other leaders and Nu Skin founders and GM's. It was rather strange, because were in the middle of the plaza, and everyone else (not TE/BD/MCM) were all surrounding us looking in. It really felt like you were a celebrity! However, think about it, when was the last time you had an experience like this? Lesson: Be a BD/TE/MCM fast! :)

Just want to say thank you to everyone, especially our family for their understanding and love, to our leaders and sideline for all the support and belief, without it, we wouldn't be here, and most importantly, our business partners who believed in their dreams and inspired us each day to be our best! :)

Remember the Celia, Team Elite and USD1Million Circle Member (MCM), next to her is her upline, Team Elite and 5MCM! Get ready to meet lots of Millionaires. Remember, Nu Skin has created 635 USD Millionaires (personal income earned from Nu Skin business), that's almost 1 every 10 days! No other company comes close!

This is Team Elite Lanny and Ronny from Indonesia, this couple are an amazing pair, full of Energy, Dynamite personalities, totally passionate about Nu Skin and a huge heart to share and help others succeed! We were lucky to have had over 2 weeks to spend with them! :)

Lesson: Learn from and Be with Powerful Positive Passionate People! (PPPP)

This picture... seems like I'm picking up KC off the ground, doesn't it. Anyway, the back ground was a board that Nu Skin setup to take photos with... like celebrities... Oi sheh! :)

Without the guidance and leadership of this person, Michael Chen, President of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei, we'd be still lost! Did you know that with his leadership, Nu Skin Malaysia had the BIGGEST month in history in September!! And we've been breaking records for the past few quarters! This is just means the power of the system just works!

Lesson: Find a person, with such humbleness, patience, wisdom and care, like Michael Chen, and partner with him for life! :)

This is Melisa Quijano, President of South East Asia Region. Did you know that under her leadership and the GO DOUBLE initiative, S.E.A. is the FASTEST Growing region in ALL of Nu Skin Markets! Isn't that amazing! Lesson: Just Do it!

This is Ronnie Park, Team Elite and USD10 Million Circle Member, because of his leadership, Nu Skin South Korea has had DOUBLE DIGIT growth for the past 4 years! Korea has over 7000 Executives in a market with 80 Million population. (Food for thought: Malaysia has only 700 Executive in a 26 Million population market.. notice the growth potential?) Another thing about, Ronnie Park is that he is a strong proponent of sideline support and respect. Him and all S.Korean distributors contribute 1% of their commission towards Force For Good Fondation. Let's give it up for them!!! Salute!

Lesson: If you want to do charity, don't just do it alone, empower a team of thousands to each contribute a little or purchase Vitameals, then you will ERADICATE hunger forever!

Andrew Fan, President of Greater China! He's doing an amazing job in China. "Scare yourself to Success!" - Andrew Fan. One of the hardest working Nu Skin Corporate leaders that works tirelessly to ensure the success of all of us! On the right is Savio Wong, Team Elite and 1MCM, a totally passionate leader, caring father and loving husband! You will learn tons from this guy, make sure you get coaching from him on your Definite Purpose Statement! :)

Wan Ming, Team Elite and 1 MCM, used to be a University lecturer, but later decided that earning residual income every month was more FUN! :)

Leaders close to home! Amy and Gary Lee, Team Elite and 1MCM. This couple embodies the meaning of leadership, tenacity and professionalism. They each come from very high corporate positions and have been wildly successful already, Amy was a successful investment broker and Gary a successful Forex Investment Banker. They told me that what got them attracted to Nu Skin business was simply: 5% 6 Generation business plan and with it the time freedom to live their lives to the fullest!

Lesson: If they see it, so should we! :)

Betty Sung, Team Elite and 20 MCM (!) Don't play play! USD20 Million earned in Nu Skin business! She was the 1st Asian distributor and become BD in 9 months! We learn so much from her wisdom and experience that we just have to share it with as many people we know. Nu Skin is a Gift that someone we knew, Stephanie gave us. Thank you! Just pass it on... :)

Lesson: Pay is forward!

Pat and Marguerite Sung, Team Elite and 20MCM. After so many years in Nu Skin, they still treat this business as if they are still distributors, they are always eager to learn and share, that's something we want to always keep reminding ourselves as we move forward in this journey. It is a great attitude to have and keeps you young! :)

Russ & Linda Karlen, Team Elites and 20MCM. This is the 1st time I met Russ, and why? Well, he is our 12th level upline! I can't imagine how many executive he has under him... ?!

This evening, we were on stage to be recognized. We didn't have pictures of us on stage yet, once we do, we'll post them up.

Tomorrow, I'll have a series of very inspiring sharing videos to share with everyone! Be ready!

Good night... it's 3am.

Friday, October 23, 2009

UnLOC your Future, NOW!

This was the actual 1st day of the convention. The day started at 930am and as expected, it started on the dot! :)

Key Words to take away:


Man Mountain Man Sea






This is Millennium Biltmore Hotel @ Los Angeles. A hotel with very rich history, not because its stood the test of time, but because it has been in hundreds of movies! :) Hollywood has been using Biltmore as part of their set. The people are absolutely wonderful and exceedingly helpful. :) Oh! By the way, while shopping at Las Vegas...ahmm... at the Levi's store (remember to go!!!) I left my phone!! Levi's was so kind enough to FedEx it to Biltmore, LA for me! Wasn't that cool! :) Thanks, Levi's! Lesson: Do good for someone everyday!

We arrived at Nokia Theater! And boy was it packed, there were so many people! Let me give you a sample! 2500 South Korean's! 3000 people from Japan! And those that were able to get into the Nokia Theater, were the top 1% of the Nu Skin leadership! So, we were very privileged and honored to be among the Best of Nu Skin!

And the important thing to note, I mean the most distinguishing factor, the thing I could see so drastically consistent, so amazingly clear, was they all looked, rather normal... I mean, they looked like normal people! They didn't have super human powers, they were not crazy people all talking and shouting at the same time (like speakers), they were ordinary people lining up and working as a team (taking photos with the team), they were average people carrying their back packs and Nu Skin ageLOC products!

Oh! Another thing.... they all had FIRE in their eyes! PASSION in their hearts! SPEED in their actions! POWER in their focus! EXCITEMENT in their dreams! ENERGY in their posture! That was something we were familiar to, we saw all the time in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, HongKong and with the people we meet, they reminded me of YOU GUYS! :)

A view from inside the theater... Man Mountain Man Sea! The Energy was simply amazing! It was Electrifying! :)

Quotes from Blake:

"What we do best, is to help improve lives."

"Your future will be Amazing!"

"This is the heart of this business, humans love helping humans... and we do that until our dreams come true, that's a perfect business to be in, it feels great, its fulfilling..."

"Do not sponsor yucky and dishonest people, we don't like them!" (And Blake says this at every convention.)

"What have you done good for someone today?" was a question asked to a very famous scientist from his father each day. And to answer this question each day, this scientist had to actually do good to someone, just so that he could report back to his father at dinner time each night. This created a habit that has been the cornerstone of his success. I think this is a such a profound question, so simple, yet the implications of it is so powerful!

"do something for someone else today...and you will have unthinkable success....never stop improve the lives of others...Its not what you have, but who you become, its about the people and I want you to be a part of it, to have a spectacular life!"

Key messages from Truman:

"Obama should have talked to us before he started the phrase, 'YES WE CAN', because in Nu Skin we say 'YES WE WILL!!!' "

1) Our global and seamless business plan that is consistent in almost 50 contries?
2) Continuously breaking sales records each month or quarter? (Q3 2009 and September revenues was the highest in Nu Skin history!)
3) Creating 635 USD Millionaires including 26 of them with over USD20 Million in commissions, averaging 1 USD Millionaire every 10 days!?
4) Being listed on the NYSE and being the only Anti-Aging network marketing company among the 11 who exceeds sales of USD1 Billion?
5) Having a consistent rating of 5A1 by Dun & Bradstreet; which just shows how financially strong and stable we are?
6) The only network marking company in the world to WIN THE MOST STEVIES Awards? (Eg. Most Innovative Company, Best CEO, Best Corporate Social Responsible and more etc)
7) Consistently creating Breakthrough Innovations (Scanner, Spa, TRA, LifePak Nano, g3 and AgeLOC)?
8) Providing 165 Million Vitemeals to Malnourished Children all over the world?

I think, the GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT is the to see the faces of the families who have had their lives improve by the work we do. "

... take a breather... (It's my 5am...)

"We are living in the greatest window of opportunity... very few people have a financial plan for themselves, and we have an opportunity that can change their lives."

KC noticed something interesting about the sitting arrangement. The best seats in the theater next to TE and MCM's was seats reserved for leaders with 15+ Leadership Points! Even new Blue Diamonds sat 2 sections (!) behind them! WOW! You earn Leadership Points when your Executives (franchises) develop 2 more Executives of their own. This measurement is a key indicator of business strength, network growth and your leadership to create and duplicate leadership yourself! Nu Skin really recognizes this leadership, that is why our 5% 6 Generations business plan is a Leadership driven plan. Designed to reward leaders who focus and build strong deep lines that ultimately sustain their dreams and visions, globally!

OK! 10-14 Leadership Points sits behind the 15+ and there are also a 4+ section as well! :)

The Matrix? What's happening? Neo is Joe? Ha ha ha! Enjoy!

This is Nu Skin, it's all about FUN! And the corporate leaders know how to have a great time, usually at the expense of themselves!

When you laugh at yourself, the world doesn't laugh at you, they laugh with you!

One of the great excitements was Joseph Chang's VP and Chief Scientific Officer announcement of AgeLOC and 2 partnerships that will provide Nu Skin with total exclusivity (rights) to Targeting the Sources of Aging (e.g. like having a very special telescope that can spot sources of aging), Identifying YGC's (Youth Gene Clusters) that are responsible for aging, Reseting these YGC's and turning them on or off to enhance their activity (just like how an equalizer does to music), owning the tools and technology and having the wisdom and experience to put skin care and nutrition to work more efficiently together!

These breakthroughs will propel Nu Skin 10 years ahead of our competitors! :)

Some numbers for thought... in Q3 of 2006, our Galvanic Spa business was USD5Million, in Q3 2009, it has grown to USD68Million! Now, isn't that simply Amazing! With AgeLOC, this will only sky rocket up! Are you ready for this?!

Key messages from Truman:

"Nu Skin is the only network marketing company that has successfully infused both skin care and nutrition into one company and that means greater strength in product and growth!"

Some people may think that joining new companies or start ups offers the greatest room for growth. "Nu Skin is an opportunity far greater than any start up can ever ever provide! We are tried, tested and we have thrived over 25 years! Take a look at this statistic. A typical startup will invest about USD1 Million as investment, unlike these wanabe's, Nu Skin has over the last decade, invested USD1 Billion to provide you with the most compelling business possible! So you don't have to do it with any other start up over and over again!"

Cool or cool? :)

"We know that this business is a about you, a journey of personal development... and the ultimate test of entrepreneurial spirit, desire to succeed, tenacity and courage to do what ever it takes, and to be a leader that laughs at rejection, the next 25 years starts with you! YES WE WILL!"

Natasha Bedingfield was invited to sing... This is a great song!

Look who's here! Some warm familiar faces! It's great to meet up half way around the world and just HUG! :)

USD25Million photo! :) We were pleasantly surprised and honored to have had lunch with these great leaders! Dr. Lang & Jane Chou (Team Elite and USD20 MCM, Joseph & Janet Cheung, (Team Elite and USD5MCM)! It was a rare learning experience to have the time to just listen and learn from great teachers. Their experience and wisdom in the business speaks volumes. What I learnt from them was to focus, persist and be humble always, and they need not have to say it, they were simply living it and being it. :)

So blessed are we! :)

This is a short video of the line, just to pay for the products! I mean, it's crazy... and the AgeLOC stock ran out! People were grabbing it like hot cakes! This session was for the general audience, luckily we got our products the day before in a special BD/TE session. :)

This is a new video just released about the Nu Skin opportunity. Sorry for the angle and quality of the video. I will do better! :)

This is a T up to recognizing New Diamond pins! COOL EH?! :)

Getting ready to go into Universal Studios!

Nu Skin booked the whole Universal Studios for us! Man Mountain Man Sea .. again! All the food were free, there were no waiting in lines! Shiok lah!!! :)

OK.. I must admit, Bart has more pointy hair than me! He's cool, dude! :)

Marilyn Monroe! Notice the mouth shape... try it! :)

This was a REALLY REALLY FUN ride. Can't tell you more about it! Just have to come. :)

Before I got to get a few minutes of shut eye to begin the 2nd day of the convention (Gala night)...

We wished that all of you could be here. Be here to experience the Energy, Passion, Excitement! Be here to 'see' your dreams clearer. Be here to 'touch' other leaders and have a glimpse at their dreams. Be here to witness it all 1st hand. Be here to be a part of history.

"Don't worry about the future, unless you are planning a strategy.
Don't fret about the past, unless you are learning a lesson.
Only focus on the present, because when you are here and present, you are at your most powerful.
No past can hold you,
no future can stop you.
When you are here, now, you are invincible."

By the way, if you plan to come in the future, don't plan to come once in your life, plan to come every time in your life.

I leave you with this image....

Because you are!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Arrival at Convention...

Hi! These are a collection of photos and stories that we put together, they are all sort of jumbled up, but I think the sequence is not that important. In fact, this blog is not about us, it's about you.

It's about what you can do with this information. It's about how you will feel about your decision you have made. It's about when you will go 100%. It's about the person you will become when you take massive action and create amazing results. It's about how many people you want to make a difference to. It's about your choices you make.

It's about you and Nu Skin!

Sit back and GET EXCITED!

This upside down picture is not upside down, it's Goofy driving his car on the 'ceiling' of Blake Roney's office! It was placed there as a surprise by Sandy and Steve to surprise Blake. Blake didn't realize it at the time, only when he looked up did he see Goofy! I think the important message here is, FUN! And these founders are all about FUN and they can let their hair down and just be themselves. I think this is a great culture to have and it's something we all come to love and cherish! Have FUN, ya'll!

When the BD Incentive Trip team arrived at Nu Skin Head Quarters, we were all driven in a stretch limo. We were greeted by 100's of Nu Skin staff and most surprising, Blake, Steve and Truman were all outside waiting to greet us!!! I mean, how nice is that! Blake ran to the limo and opened the door and Steve jumped in... And when Steve was in the limo, Blake closed the door behind him...! Amazing! As we walked in, Nu Skin staff congratulated us all the way! Wanna be a BD too? :)

The BD Incentive Winners had the privilege to visit Clara McDermott's (in red) house in St. George, Utah. This is the library with 6000 books! Clara's message: Strength Strengthens Strength. Focus on strengths to build your business. She shared how they got started and why it was so important to have a 5% 6 generation plan. Reason: So that everyone had the same chance to succeed and that it was Leadership focus. Leadership is the key to long term business success. For the rest of her sharing, qualify to be BD! :)

Yes... ! We went shopping. This was at the Premium Outlet Mall in Las Vegas. We had to get an extra luggage bag to store everything...! :)

When we got to Las Vegas, the Nu Skin team were already there to greet us and take care of us. It was First Class all the way! I mean, personal limo service! Just Fantastic!

Ok, we arrived at the Los Angeles Convention Center (LACC) and after registering, BD and TE's were given FIRST priority to purchase the new AgeLOC products!!! YEAH! This was the entrance to the EXPO area. The STAR word behind KC is made of WATER droplets as the fall from the top and creating the words! That was pretty cool!

This is not the store room. It is the boxes of AgeLOC Transformation Sets that some distributor had bought!!!! I mean, this is just one example, there were hundreds of people like this... CRAZY!

This a plaque with all the RUBY's globally... and if you look closely... you will see some familiar names....

Do you see your name? :)

New Lapis!

Do you see your name? :)

This is Sahatad (guy) and his sister, from Thailand. He started at 21 and has been in Nu Skin for 10 years, he will be MCM by end of he year! He took 16 months to be qualify to be an Exec (!) If he can do can you!

They have a statistic in US, if you maintain as an Exec for 10 years, you will be a Blue Diamond! Do you like that statistic? :) Never never Never Quit! :)

This is the retail shop opposite Nu Skin head quarters. There were like hundreds of distributors there lining up to buy products! 90% were from China! I mean, it was like a buying frenzy inside and they came prepared, they knew what they wanted and they bought in the boat loads! Got to admire their tenacity and passion for the business and products! And all of them looked great!

This is Nu Skin office in Provo, Utah. It's our 25th Anniversary. And we wish you were all here too! See you on the next trip 2011, ya?

This is Larry Miller's performance racing track, where were competed on a pit stop challenge and driving go karts! Its was so much FUN! KC is always the grounded one.... I'm always up in the air! :)

This is part of a wall, where they hang all the portraits of all the Team Elites globally. We found out photo too! And they had these special ones with mirrors, I guess you know why... YOU ARE NEXT! :)

I like this photo... this is our Strength, this is our Science, this is our Success! This is in the newly named building called Nu Skin Anti-Aging Research and Development Center. Take a look at all the Scientists we have, totally impressive and powerful. With a team like this, there is no doubt that we will create innovative and effective products that will revolutionize the anti-aging industry. Just like what AgeLOC has done!

By the way, Nu Skin has been recognized by Dow Jones 3 times this year alone! Top 10 buy, Best in Industry Recommendation and Best in Class! We have had so many news broadcast (e.g. CBS, FOX, NBC, China TV, HBO etc) on our Galvanic Spa. Out stock price has risen from USD9.55 in January 2009 to USD24.51 a few days ago (October 18th)! These are all Business indicators of what Nu Skin Enterprise is capable to achieving and there is no better time to share this with as many peoples as you know (or don't know)! :)

This was an interesting plaque, we found it in every elevator of Nu Skin Office! Can you imagine a culture and value system that promotes Force For Good every where? I think this is the reason why this culture is also evident globally and we we feel it's effects each day. How many times do you share this mission with people each day? :)

Great Feng Shui! (See the painting...) Great Company!

Click to enlarge. This describes the culture and what the Nu Skin team does each day to make sure we become successful. We are so very proud to represent Nu Skin!

Blake, Truman and Steve at the reception! Always funny, always outdoing each other and always sharp and focused.

"Do your best in every way!"

This is the famous Las Vegas Strip! A road with many famous hotels and casino's along each side. And they even have the Eiffel Tower too! This hotel is called "Paris" ! KC and I are standing on the Bellagio side, where they have an amazing water fountain show! Got to see it! :)

A few years ago, I took this picture alone. This time with KC. Next time.. with YOU ALL! :)

This is Ratchadawan (lady in white), she is a TE and 1MCM from Thailand. She was the 1st Nu Skin Executive in Thailand. In 1997, before the crisis, Thailand had over 700 Executives! then the Asian Crisis hit.... by July 1997, there were only 22 Executives left!!!! She was one of them. She was a GOLD / LAPIS/ GOLD / LAPIS for 5 years before she became a BD and later a TE. I asked her, why she stayed so long...5 years with not much results... she told me, it was because she had 1 Exec that was very passionate and determined. This exec later became a BD 1st before her. Lesson: NEVER NEVER NEVER QUIT!

She also said: "I've done so many traditional business in my life, I know that 10 wins (in business) can be easily wiped out by 1 crisis. But in Nu Skin, out of 10 people, if only 1 says YES, it's enough to be a BD already!" :))

Beautiful landscape and sceneries from Vegas to Utah!

OK... the hotel behind us is the Bellagio, where we stayed. Nice eh?! Actually, the BD Incentive Trip is really Fantastic! Everything was so wall designed, from pick up to events, to accommodation. The best part was to meet with and share with other leaders all over SEA. Be Inspired to reach higher, ya?


New York New York on the Vegas Strip.

Inside the Limo. Shiok oney! :)

This is the welcoming dinner at Vegas. Scallops and spinach, Yummy! I will stop here today and continue tomorrow.... it will be an exciting day! 1st day of Convention!