Sunday, October 25, 2009

Giving Back Day!

One of the things that made this trip really worthwhile was to be able to see how the local US leaders build the business. We were fortunate enough to attend the Team Elite University Wrap Up Meeting. And this was just a teaser of the training they do at Provo, Utah in the Team Elite University which is organized by Nu Skin, but operated by the US leaders working as a team together. The next one is in Nov and Dec.

Below are a collection of short but really powerful training on what to do and how to start. They are short and very effective material.

Jeff Mack, Team Elite and USD10MCM, Why Nu Skin, Why Now?

"This is a New day! A New Chapter for countless amounts of people whose lives will change forever."

"Don't even try to compete with us! They can't" (on AgeLOC)

(Not complete, but powerful enough)

Kenton Worthington, Team Elite and 1MCM on Presenting the Business.

"Movie trailers in 2 minutes can get you to spend USD10 to watch a 2 hour movie. They contain all the high-lites and action, but after watching it, you don't know why or how!? So, you go to see the movie!"

Gary Deritter, Team Elite and 1MCM on Driving Lines.

Terry Fossom, Team Elite, on Handling Objections

Steve Huang, Team Elite and 1MCM, personal sharing and mindset.

Lisa Bell, New Blue Diamond, Personal Sharing

Eileen Williams, Team Elite, personal sharing.

Alan Nagao, Team Elite & 1MCM, personal sharing.

Mark & Jerri Mabry, Team Elite, personal sharing.

Susie Park, Blue Diamond, personal sharing.

Deb Corday, Blue Diamond, personal sharing.

Brent Bryson, Team Elite, personal sharing.

Sherry Lung, Team Elite & 1MCM, personal sharing.

Jed Knight, Team Elite, personal sharing.

Nathan Ricks, Team Elite & USD20MCM! Duplication and Wrap up. This is very powerful!

As you see these videos and training, I sincerely hope that you learnt something valuable that will propel you further into this amazing business we call Nu Skin.

There is however, one request that I would like to boldly make...

After you watch this following video; which is a snippet of Steve Lund, founder and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors singing a song he made while visiting Malawi and experiencing the challenges of malnourished children in Africa. It brought tears to my eyes as we listened to him and his son sing.

If you feel that you can do something extra, despite what you already do, would it be possible to make a donation of 2 or more Vitameal bags on your next visit to Nu Skin Showcase or in your next ARO/ADR order?

Don't answer the above question yet... listen to the song.

"Thank you for all that you do, and all that you are." - Steve Lund

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